The President of the hashers that comprise of our Northboro H3 kennel. The GM runs the Circle at the end of the Hash, is responsible for calling mismanagement meetings, and staying informed of all official hash business. The GM can appoint other mismanagers, revise kennel rules, and settle any disputes.
Joint Master (JM)
The Vice President. The JM is 2nd in command and is the apparent successor to the GM. The JM runs the Circle if the GM is not there and backs up the GM by learning about all hashing operations.
Members at Large
They are the voice of the kennel, letting misman know what we're doing well and what we need to improve.
Grand Master (GM)
The President of the hashers that comprise of our Northboro H3 kennel. The GM runs the Circle at the end of the Hash, is responsible for calling mismanagement meetings, and staying informed of all official hash business. The GM can appoint other mismanagers, revise kennel rules, and settle any disputes.
2025 MisMan positions: MAGA! Make Anal Great Again
GM & Hareraiser: Scrumple Stiltskin, ringmaster of the shit show and kennel Hash Cash: Cum So Hard Me Die, collects hash cash, reimburses hares, and manages monies Hasherdashery: Leave a Message After the Bone, in charge of getting misman-approved swag (i.e. happicoats, patches, etc.,) and making money for the kennel Hasher Flasher & Scribe: Friar Fuck, takes pictures & creates a write up of hashes to post on our FB page Songmeister: Condomless Pit, in charge of updating and distributing the Hash Hymnal and initiating/encouraging singing at hashes Members at Large: 5 Finger Me; Prickers in Muh Vag, the voice of the kennel, letting misman know what we're doing well and what we need to improve
If you need to get in touch with any of us email or text 508.263.0081